

On the left side of a tie
One that’s left me struggling
Unsure of the reason you’re not here...we never said goodbye

Affection left an imprint on my soul
Left craving days when I had nothing to lose
Seeking something deeper I wanted you to choose

My intention to keep you in a special, safe place
Undoubtedly unwise
The heart as a window to my soul opened my eyes

The price to pay
Hefty chunk of pride keeps me from doing so
Left weighing the pros and cons

Acting like I’m too strong
Truth is ...
My heart continues to sing a missing song



Thee_Kween said...

Agonizingly sweet...

MOMSWEB said...

Mmmm...love it, love it, love it.

♥ CG ♥ said...

Kween, I had one of those moments...lol


Thanks, Momsweb! Had some thoughts to get off my chest :-).